Saturday, 31 December 2011

Roundup of 2011

A quick round up of 2011 in regards to my writing. That's all this is, so if you couldn't give a shit about my writing stop reading now.

That leaves me free to wax lyrical about myself without inhibition.
Been an odd year this for my writing. I have written two scripts I'm really proud of, but it took me a while to get going. After I finished last year being really proud of a feature script, which has opened doors for me but more of that in the future, I began 2011 struggling with a sitcom script and vowing never to write comedy again.

Then came Rhys Jones' and my idea for a web series entitled Twisted showcase. Our call out for writers has been accessed nearly 500 times on my blog. Lots of talent out there. This is the most ambitious project I've took on and it's taken longer than expected to get it all up and running, but we're closing in on it and news should start emerging in January about it.

After this I began another sitcom script, forgetting my vow to stay away from comedy. This was one of the easiest things I've written. It flowed, and i moved onto a sixty minute TV script, which was more difficult but really rewarding as it turned out to be my most complex script with lots going on.

After this I decided my Twisted Showcase script was too complex, so went back and wrote two alternatives. All in all it ended up being a productive summer.

Now i'm working on another feature script, which is proving a challenge, but a tantalising one. I'm sure you'll hear more about it some day soon.

So, I guess, a lot of this year is building stuff up, still. But things did come out, my comic strip Susie Pepper's Teeth in Murky Depths. My interview with Gareth Roberts in Vworp Vworp, and the short film which I wrote and was directed by Leigh Jones screened at the Ozu Film Festival and from what I've heard went down well.

More news to come in the new year I'm sure, now back to that feature script, and another little project I've got planned. So, with an air of mystery let's head into the next year.

Happy New Year.

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