Friday, 7 January 2011

Screenwriter Geek: Every script is different

This blog is about writing.

More specifically, how you can only learn so much about script writing, and I'm sure it's the same with novels and all other forms, because each script is different, feels different, and has it's own challenges.

For example, the script I'm working on now is another attempt for me at writing a 30 minute comedy script for TV. I have tried this before in a script jam packed full of ideas, but probably too many of them. I was trying to create a hybrid genre of comic book sci fi, horror and comedy but all I managed to do was dilute the comedy aspect of it. So i learnt to make the comedy the focus of my new piece, but then the format got in the way, somewhere between getting the idea and beginning to write it a faux documentary style came into play, so now I had to contend with this overshadowing the comedy elements, but I'd learnt this lesson before, until I realised that this style of script led to a completely different style of writing, for me it did anyway.

Usually when I write first drafts it is usually in a chronological manner, starting at scene 1 and not stopping until I'm at the end of the script, but this one has given me the freedom to just write whichever bit I want, or whatever funny bits are in my head at the time, and then bring it all together in the redrafting, like a good editing process. I've known other people to write like this, but it's never been my style, until this script offered the opportunity to do it.

Other scripts have differed in what routine, or lack of, works best to write it. My first feature script I could only write late at night in 2 to 3 hour bursts after 11pm, whilst a few scripts have poured out in a matter of days. Others like to be worked on in small 5 minute bursts throughout the day, taking a long time to come together, and one or two get worked on until they're halfway done and then like a break until i can come back finish it and fix it up nice.

If you're a writer I'd like to know you're writing stories because I am a geek about screenwriting.

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