Wednesday 16 May 2012

25 web TV shows you need to see


Still can't believe it. Twisted Showcase has made the guardian guide Top 25 list of Web TV shows you need to see.

Jaw - dropping.

The list includes Vic and Bob, David Lynch; how Twisted Showcase got on there I don't know. but I'm not complaining.

We began Twisted Showcase for one just to make films and have a base where they can be seen. We also knew we wanted it to be weird, different and open to be anything it could each episode, not restricted by genre, tone etc

We never expected this sort of recognition!

So happy we are getting it though. It's nice to be recognised, and get more people to come and watch the hard work that has been put in. Which will be covered in the next blog which will discuss the last two episodes of Twisted showcase forming the third and final part of my blogs on making Series One. The hard work continues, we are currently making Series 2, with loads of plans for what comes next also flying around.

We hope there's nothing else like it on the internet, and we hope we blow your minds with Series 2.

In the meantime , I'm gonna stare at the top 25 list in proud disbelief. And you can too by clicking on the following link.

Top 25 web TV shows you need to see

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